Wet T-Shirt Contest

Wet T-Shirt Contests are an excellent way for a Coed to show off her boobs in a fun way, and sometimes to win some money or a holiday.  If the Coeds aren’t in a Club or Bar, then sometimes they head to a lake to get their T-Shirts Wet for a laugh; they love to see the expressions on guy’s faces as they stare at their wet t-shirts.  If you’re lucky enough to live near a bar/club that regularly runs wet t-shirt competitions, why not try to get down there and enjoy the show.

Wet T-shirt Contest in a Club
Cutie in a Club takes part in a Wet T-shirt Contest
Cutie in a Wet T-Shirt Contest
Wet T-Shirt Contest Cutie
Wet T-shirt Clubber
Wet T-Shirt Cutie in the Club
Wet Teeshirt Cutie is getting Cold
Wet Teeshirt Contest Cutie
Busty Wet T-shirt Contest Coed
Busty Blonde Wet T-Shirt Contest Coed
Wet T-Shirt Cuties in the Lake
Three Cuties in White Wet T-Shirts standing in the Lake
Wet T-Shirt Fun Outdoors
Outdoor Wet T-Shirt Fun
Outdoor Wet T-Shirt Contest
Outdoor Wet T-Shirt Contest Fun
Wet T-Shirt Cutie On Stage Undoing her Belt
A Fun Wet T-Shirt Contest Cutie Decides to Undo her Belt
Wet T-Shirt Candid in the Lake
A Brunette in a White Wet T-shirt standing in a Lake

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