Actress and model Alexandra Young is a real beauty from California, today she’s arrived to pose for Playboy in her golden bikini, she’s the type of girl who would only ever take her clothes off for Playboy, she has a degree in Theater Arts and does commercial acting in Los Angeles. Playboy casting calls are amazing, as you get to see classy girls who would never be posing nude on the Internet anywhere else, often these girls will end up being quite famous in the future, sometimes they even change their minds about having their nudes on the net, and ask for them to be removed, so always make sure you download the photos and videos while they are available. We’ve downloaded the video and put together some images from different moments in it, first with her clothes and then slowly watching them come off. Playboy always ask us to put stars on them to censor the naughty bits, but it’s only $1 to remove the stars and see uncensored high resolution photos and the revealing HD video, you can download it all in case Alexandra at some points decides to have these removed. To grab your full-access Playboy password now just click >HERE<, then once you’ve got it login to the official website and do a site search for ‘Alexandra Young’. You’re going to enjoy seeing her fully nude, every part uncensored!