Free Amateur Cams

You may have noticed that free amateur cams are now starting to take over the Internet, let’s ponder as to why this change has occurred.  The word amateur is defined on Wikipedia as “generally considered a person attached to a particular pursuit, study, or science in a non-professional or unpaid manner”.  So what’s the key difference between someone who is paid to do something and someone who is unpaid?  From the surfer’s perspective they want to see a girl who is there having fun as a hobby, if the girl is not being compensated then that means it’s her choice to be there, she will have a real smile, nothing will be fake, this is exactly why we’re seeing sites like (NSFW) take off with their huge collection of free amateur cams.  It was not that surfers didn’t want to pay, it was about knowing that the girl is enjoying camming as much as you are.  One of the best things about hipwebcams (NSFW) is that so many girls feel comfortable to cam there, whereas the girls don’t trust some of the other sites featuring free amateur cams, fearing that their camshows will end up all over forums around the net.  The image below gives some samples of the girls who are live there now at the time of writing, give it a click to head to hipwebcams now, and remember it’s NSFW (which is often a good thing of course 😉 ).

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