Have you ever wanted to go shopping with Kari Sweets? While it might not be the first thing that comes into your mind, it’s certainly a good way to impress her with your wallet (even if you need to fake it with a loan), if you can buy her some nice clothes she’ll certainly want to show you her appreciation. Today we’ve been invited to join Kari on a trip to the mall, fingers crossed we can get her to try on some clothes and maybe just maybe she’ll allow us into the changing rooms with her, let’s see if our luck is in shall we! To see how our day with Miss Sweets unfolded scroll down and enjoy the pics below, to head over to her official site and enjoy her most revealing pics of all click >HERE<. You might have also heard about the latest Kari Sweets Zipset which is essential viewing for every one of her millions of fans, to be magically transported to the download site click >HERE<.