Christina Ripple Poses for Playboy

VIDEO: Meet Playboy Amateur Christina Ripple, Christina is a beauty who has dreamed of posing for Playboy.  Here you can enjoy the first 1:40 of her Playboy video, this is the sexy tease bit, where she seduces us.  The full video is over 8 minutes and I should warn you it eventually gets pretty naughty, it’s one of the most revealing videos on the Playboy site.  It’s surprising as Christina is such a nice girl, but it’s always hard to say no to Playboy.  As you’ll be able to tell, Christina would never have taken her clothes off for anyone other than Playboy, so make the most of her videos.  To start the video now press Play below.  To see her videos now on Playboy Plus it’s just $1, to get your password click  >> HERE << then once you’ve logged in just do a search site search for Christina Ripple, or to make it even easier, once you’ve got your password and are logged in, just click > HERE < to go direct to her the full uncensored video on Playboy Plus

To enjoy Christina’s most daring video now, completely uncensored and in HD, it’s only $1.  To get your password click >> HERE << then once you’ve logged into Playboy Plus just do a site search for “Christina Ripple”, then select which of her videos you’d like to watch or enjoy her Hi Res photos.

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