At WeHatePorn we are big fans of the Playboy Casting Calls, there have been so many Casting Calls over the years that it’s almost impossible to have seen them all. Today we went back a few years to a Chicago Casting Call that we’ve never shared with you before. As usual, it’s a collection of girl nextdoor’s Playboy wannabes who would refuse to point blank to do porn, but who dream of posing for Playboy. The girls often imagine that posing for Playboy means wearing a bikini or underwear, so they’re often very surprised when they get asked to remove their underwear/bikinis. Each girl has a number of hi-res photos and a behind the scenes video. Amazingly it’s only $1 to see it all, I’m sure most people will be willing to pay between $20 and $40 for this, but for some reason Playboy give it all away for just $1 so make the most of it while the offer’s still there. Below you’ll see a selection of the Chicago girls just before they were asked to get naked. To gain full access for $1 just head over > HERE <