The Phoenix Playboy Casting Call (2009)

VIDEO: Many of you wrote in about how much you enjoyed the Phoenix Playboy Casting Call (2009) which we posted on WeHatePorn back in August >>>>Phoenix Playboy Casting Call<<<<. Some of you asked if we could post up the Behind the Scenes video clips from this particular Casting Call, so to keep you all entertained we’ve made a compilation video featuring a number of the 2009 Phoenix girls.  To start watching the video now click Play on the video below.  Note: If you’re wondering where >>>Jaclyn from Phoenix<<< is, she was at a more recent Phoenix Casting Call.  To see the full hi res uncensored pics and videos, it’s just $1, to gain your password click >>>HERE<<<, then login to the site and navigate to Special Editions > Casting Calls > Phoenix (the 2nd Phoenix down, the 1st is the one with Jaclyn which you’ll also want to look at).  Once you can see what you want to see, be grateful for Playboy.

Courtney at the Orlando Casting Calls
The Girls of the Playboy Houston Casting Calls

Remember to check out the >>>photos of the Phoenix Casting Call Girls<<< on WeHatePorn if you haven’t already, also we have cute Jaclyn from another Phoenix Casting Call, you won’t forget her >>>Jaclyn from the Phoenix Playboy Casting Calls<<< .  If you’d like to see both of these Pheonix Playboy Casting Calls and all of the rest of the Casting Calls state-by-state, it’s just $1 to get your own password >>>Password for just $1<<< then log yourself in and head to Special Editions > Casting Calls > Phoenix (2nd Phoenix down, the first is the one with Jaclyn which is also recommended).  Once you have all of the Girl Nextdoor Playboy Wannabes in their Full Glory, sit back and enjoy being alive.

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